In this frantic mode of Splatoon 2, you join other players to fight a bunch of mutant salmon so that you can collect their eggs, give them to a mysterious bear,...
Which came first: the Chicken or the Egg? This Splatoon 2 Splatfest seeks to answer this difficult dilemma. In a series of Turf War matches, my teammates and I ...
Support the stream: このチャンネルはMorryがやりたい事をやりたいようにゆる~くライブ配信をしているチャンネルになります。 ゲームや雑談を通して、リスナーの皆さんとの交流を目的として配信しています。 尚、この配信はリスナー様のコメン...
I made Concorde in Minecaft.It takes 4 hours to make it.I don't have much information about Concorde.So I can't make the cabin and engines well. Thank you for w...