Welcome to my stream! I mainly play Splatoon 2. Feel free to chat or join the game. The English description is on the bottom.
~~~~~~ 必読 ~~~~~~
・ フレンドコードは配信画面に載っています。承認されたい方は申請した旨とSwitchでの名前をチャットで教えて下さい。
・ パスワードは基本的に「5980」にしています。状況により変えることもありますが、違う場合はお聞き下さい。
~~~~~~ 可能なら読んでね ~~~~~~
~~~~~~Must Read ~~~~~~
[FAQ]* I'm full Japanese.
* My friend code is on the screen. If you want me to add you, tell me your name on Switch!
* The password is "5980." If it's different, ask me.
* You might need to wait long until the game starts. Please be patient.
* I can't read everything on chat if there are a lot.
* I might finish the stream if there are not enough players, when I get tired or hungry.
* Please do not make an organization that makes disadvantage to your team.
(ex. No more than 1 long range weapon)
(ex. No more than 1 roller (It might depend on maps and rules))
* If you don't have confident but want to use the similar weapon as your teammates, yield.
* If you don't understand or think it's funny to do this on purpose, please do not join.
* If you only can use the similar weapon as your teammates, let me know.
* As is your choice to do using offensive languages, squid bagging, squid party or AFK. It is my choice to judge you.
* If you witnessed someone is doing that on the game then report it to me. If there are multiple witnesses, It easy to me to trust you.
* If you did the fake or unsure report, It makes me hard to trust you. Watch what are you reporting.
Well, I was writing too long. Have fun to joining us!
~~~~~~.Please Read ~~~~~~
[About Stream]Splatoon 2
* I play Ranked, Regular, League or Salmon with few players at first. Let me know if you want to join. If there are no open spot, we'll take turns.
* If there are 6 or more players want to join I can do Rating Private Battle.
What is Rating Private Battle?
* It's a system that using a tool to makes smooth to grouping and take turns.
* There are not rank limit, but I might decline you to join if I decide you don't have an enough skill.
* The rate will go up if you win and go down if you lose. It's starts at 5000. The teams are decided based on this rates.
* If there are 11 or more players want to join I'll announce who to leave from the room based on how many times you lose.
* Once there are an open spot, first comes first serves.
* If someone disconnected from the game and lose, I'll decide to count or not to count case by case.
* The rates will be reset every 1st, 11th and 21st of the month in Japanese time.
This tool is made by my friend, Staryoshi. Thank you very much!
[About Me]My name is Yoji. I live in United States. I mainly use Firefin Splatterscope.
I usually speak Japanese, but I can speak English as well as I'm able to live in here! Yet I was not too good at either language classes in school... but I'll try my best.
~~~~~~その他 / Others ~~~~~~
Everybody is welcome if you're related to this stream. It's depends that if I do voice chat while streaming. If you want to do that come to voice channel named "live."
<Twitter (JPN)>
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Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/youjiman
Multistreaming with https://restream.io/